Organic farming, organic farming, ecotourism < >
In the times of BASF, Bayer, Monsanto and Syngenta, more and more people today are concerned not with destroying nature, but with seeing it as the most important thing, namely our life-giver.
According to the Wikipedia definition, food is a substance consumed to nourish the human body. To nourish with carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals, which are essential for human life. Yes, if it were that simple.
You can also feed a body with an infusion to keep it alive, but to call this food?
Food and ecotourism - a special concern of our travel philosophy...
What does ecotourism mean to us?
On the one hand, we don't want to follow the current trends of mass tourism, but create our own trend in harmony with nature. We do not want to judge whether our offer falls under the term "ecotourism". An often used (and often abused) buzzword for which there is no generally binding definition so far.
Rather, we understand our offers as eco-friendly tourism, which of course does not rule out that we orient ourselves on existing models of eco-tourism.
Eco-friendly tourism - that sounds very good at first. But what exactly is behind it?
Of course, we cannot suggest to our guests that they run or swim to Colombia for the love of the environment. This would take a little too long before you can enjoy the magnificent landscapes on a trip to Colombia.
But joke aside. What is it all about?
Colombia has dedicated itself to ecotourism. And we would like to support it, because in our opinion it is exactly the right kind of tourism for this country to be able to experience here a vacation in the originality, as one finds it otherwise in this world only rarely.
We do not offer programs and offers in isolated "hotel fortresses", but an individual vacation with experiences in the grown nature and with reference to the native population.
Nature is the focus of all our offers. Be it to admire the beauty of nature (e.g. in national parks or during animal observations) or during sporting activities in nature. Our tours take place in very small groups of max. 5 persons in order to ensure that the burden on nature is as low as possible.
Of course we couldn't and can't prevent that the nature was interfered in order to make various activities possible, e.g. canopy.
But the most important thing is that the nature has been preserved in its original state and that the local population as the operator of these facilities has been given an alternative income.
Just as we offer accommodation in typical coffee fincas, which are usually owned by coffee farmers. They have transformed their accommodation into high quality guesthouses, in order to live from coffee cultivation and tourism. This protects the original nature, because they do not have to expand their plantations endlessly and have an alternative source of income to coffee cultivation.
In addition, this enables our guests to experience an authentic contact with the local population on their trip to Colombia.
A good example is our tour program to the finca of Luis Fernando.
On our tour "Rutas de las Frutas" Luis Fernando shows and explains his exotic trees, bushes, fruits and plants. Why he has just planted them here, what advantages they have for the ecosystem, etc.
His ecological treasures include, among others:
Avocado, cocoa, guama, oranges, mandarins, pitaya, pineapple, lemon, mango, paprika, chili, moringa oleifera, sacha inchi, various herbs such as oregano, thyme etc. and many more. And, the whole thing also in different varieties!
From his cocoa beans, which are dried in the sun, he produces an ecologically pure chocolate - 100% dark chocolate, which he refines with honey from his own production for a spread. A culinary delight for all chocolate lovers!
Who knows Sacha Inchi or how healthy dried papaya kernels are? Who knows the advantages and uses of Moringa Oleifera?
Answers can be found at Luis Fernando. The knowledge in organic farming can be extended to similarly oriented and interesting ecological finca projects as required.
Join us on an ecological tour and get to know the wide range of natural wonders!
The term food...
Food should really serve life. And a food from a microwave is no more food, but serves only the nutrition. Likewise a food, which is contaminated with pesticides or antibiotics, is no more food. On the contrary, it is a 100% pathogen.
What are the alternatives? Many of you know the answer - organic farming with organically produced food.
Here in Colombia, due to the year-round tropical climate and the fertile soil, you have the best conditions for organic farming. There are also no vegetation periods, which hinder the growth e.g. by frost. So everything grows around the clock, all year round.
A prime example of organic farming is Luis Fernando. He has dedicated himself to organic farming with heart and soul. His Finca Las Brisas near the mountain village of Marsella offers good conditions for this.