Mountainbike Tours in Colombia < >
In Colombia you can do bike tours in many regions. Mainly in the coffee region, we offer a large program, which now includes about 90 routes. A popular bike region is Pereira. The routes via “La Florida” to the Otún Quimbaya Nature Reserve or to the Barbas Bremen Nature Refuge are very popular.
Bike tours in combination with a nature experience is a perfect mixture to see a lot in a short time. We create easy, medium or difficult off-road tours in the coffee region with our partners Roy & José Ivan. For beginners this can be tours of 20 km, which we cover in 4 to 5 hours. Or in the medium level "Crosscountry", here we drive between 20 and 40 km a day. For professionals "Marathon - Bike", these are tours from 65 to 130 km daily.
Our tours usually start at 6 a.m. and end around 2 p.m. at the respective destination. We also attach great importance to a diet that promotes fitness. This includes an early breakfast or a brunch on the way. Larger distances we also cover with the 4x4 Jeep.
Landscape, Topography & Climate
The capital of the coffee triangle is Pereira with an altitude of 1450 m. The average annual temperature is 22 degrees. During our tours we move on average in the 2000 m altitude range. Lowest point would be 950 m and the highest reachable altitude would be 3200 m.
During such a tour we drive through several climate zones and experience a variety of vegetation and the richness of wildlife. The climate zones differ in 4 main zones: tropical, temperate tropical and cold tropical climate, as well as the mountain regions (Páramos). In our region we mainly move in the temperate tropical climate, which is to be found in an altitude of 1000 - 2000 meters.
In the east of Pereira the mountain range and the national park "Los Nevados" spreads out. The cold tropical temperatures of 12 - 18 degrees and a higher rain probability characterize this region. From 3000 m, in the high alpine area, we can encounter temperatures of 12 to 0 degrees.
During our tours we have the possibility to observe birds: Colombia is the country with the most species in the world. There are a total of 1881 bird species, 77 of which are endemic to Colombia. 22 of these 77 species are found in the coffee zone, and 12 of them never leave the zone. Some of the best known are: Gallito de roca, Cacique de montaña, Tapaculo, Cauca guan, Barranquero, Azulejo, Perico and Garrapatero.
Characteristic for this region are also the many volcanoes. Most of them are located in Parque Nevado (Tolima, Nevado de Ruiz, Santa Isabel, Quindio).
Requirements & physical preparation for bike tours
We attach great importance to individuality. MTB tours with guide, half day to day tours, round trips of 3-5 days with overnight stay on different Fincas. A lot is possible. For advance information just contact us. We put together a suitable program.
We prefer to offer full-day tours in order to guarantee good preparation.
We do not want this to be an express tourism. In Colombia the time is not decisive, here another rhythm determines the day, also the weather conditions influence this. We want to move flexibly
and live the moment. But your time is important to us, according to the circumstances we can change activities, but we are not slaves of the clock.
Accompaniment by local guides
Colombia has no tradition in making road markings, the routes are not marked, we would like to offer you the best orientation with our guide. There are many variations within a route, the guide can decide flexibly, depending on the condition of the guests, whether the route should be longer or shorter. Another important point is the communication with the locals, we want you to feel comfortable and to have easier contact with the locals. In the case that we want to move higher into the mountains, a professional support is not only valuable, but absolutely necessary. The observation of the weather conditions is also a very important factor. Explanations and hints about the flora and fauna make up the day and you can take valuable information and details home with you. If you wish, we can add another guide who specializes in this field.